Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. In Coloplast Business Centre we are responsible for global financial operations, orders administration, HR and IT support, marketing & data analysis activities, and many others. If you have the right profile and the right amount of curiosity and ambition, you can be a part of this exciting challenge. Curiosity works here!
About the department:
Accounts Receivable Customer Ledger department supports Coloplast entities across the globe in ensuring that Customer Accounts are up to date. We are group of almost 20 people that perform prepare dunning letters & customer statements, deliver aging reports, supports debt collection and continuously work on improving Accounts Receivable processes. Accounts Receivable is part of Global Finance Support located in Szczecin.
About the job:
We are looking for a person for a currently created position to support one of our projects. Employe will closely cooperate with our Collection team and different teams in Local unit. New employee will be responsible for working with data, providing correct reporting, improving the processes. This position also will require regular meetings with Local unit and external Customers, keeping track and overview of open receivables, reporting AR key finance indicators to Team Leader and relevant Business Stakeholders.
Currently, we are looking for a new colleague for a temporary contract (approx. 12 months) with a possibility to be prolonged.
Komenda Wojewódzka Policji w Opolu
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